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I call myself Novelist Online Onpaper for the obvious reason that my novels are available as ebooks and paperbacks. I am driven by a creative impulse to write well-plotted, logical novels that will take readers on a journey into a different world populated by interesting characters. My goal is to write a compelling story, spiced with twists and turns about an engaging protagonist. The denouement of a Kenneth C. Crowe novel is never certain. Of course, you might predict the outcome, but if you are right it would have been a lucky guess.

You would think a short order cook with unfulfilled aspirations to be a recognized pencil artist would be an easy victim for a billionaire bully. Billy Harrigan, the protagonist of THE PENCIL ARTIST, has just turned 60, he hasn't sold a drawing in months, and his wife is disgusted with him for wasting his college education on an unfulfilled dream. She is an accomplished academic, who is having an affair with Gustave Nochsky, France's foremost scholar on Russian folktales and myths. Billy experiences a moment of joy when Ann Stone, the wife of Theodore Stone, a billionaire investor, buys a set of his landscapes for her Hamptons beach house. Teddy, as Stone is called, is not only is extraordinarily successful, he is extraordinarily paranoid and vengeful, cranky, and old. He suspects Ann of actually cheating with Billy, or at the very least desiring him. Teddy sets out to crush and humiliate Billy, who would be helpless alone, but he isn't. The internet sees to that.

Ben Connolly in the Paris Commune will take you to the bloody days in the spring of 1871 when the café radicals left their absinthe and coffee behind to lead the working class of Paris into an uprising against the French government that ended with the slaughter of an estimated 40,000 men, women and children by the French Army. The protagonist, Ben Connolly, is a Civil War veteran from the slums of New York, with the rather modest aspiration of being hired as a staff reporter for the New York Vision. On the whim of Adrian Metzger, the Vision's publisher, Ben is dispatched to Paris, where he is almost killed several times, falls in love with an American artist, becomes a fast friend of General Jaroslaw Dombrowski, and writes notable stories. He emerges with an expansive ambition to become a famous writer instead of an obscure journalist. .

THE ABSCONDER: Chris can never relax. If they catch him, he could spend the rest of his life in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

The Asconder is available on Kindle, Amazon.com, and Smashwords.com

THE TRUCKERS: Tommy Kerrigan and Helmut Knall are uneasy allies dedicated to transforming the nation's largest union, the Truckers International Union, into a progressive force capable of dragging the American labor movement out of the quagmire that is sucking it under. Tommy emerges as a legendary hero experiencing great triumphs and tragedy. THE TRUCKERS is available via Kindle, as a paperback at Amazon.com and as an e-book via Smashwords.com and diesel-ebooks.com.

THE HERO is a mystery touching on the Korean War, cowardice, artificial courage, heroics, the Medal of Honor, a boostore on the East Side of Manhattan, a mystery writer, love affairs, and homicide.

THE HERO is available through Kindle, as a paperback on Amazon, and as an e-book on Smashwords and obooko.

OOOEELIE, THE JYNX and THE DREAM DANCER are available via Kindle, Amazon, Smashwords, and obooko.